
NCC Learning for Life

NCC was part of my life for 3 years from 2013-16. It gave me good exposure, built leadership trait, sense of belongingness and overall good memories to cherish forever. Penning down few of the teachings learnt from my 3 years of NCC. These point are not for mere sharing to readers but also to remind myself these from time to time. Happy Reading ! 1. After coming back from All India Thal Sainik Camp 2014, I had read these lines somewhere "कामयाबी को दिमाग मे और नाकामयबी को दिल मे कभी जगह मत दो । कामयाबी दिमाग मे जाये तो अहन्कार पैदा करती है और नाकामयाबी दिल मे जाये तो आगे बधने नही देती ।" To translate- "Never let success gets in your mind and failure to your heart. When success gets in mind it results in vanity while failure taken to heart never lets you progress." And I always tried to implement this thought in my life.  2. At starting of TSC camp during Obstacle(OT) course, I used to get fear of few obstacles in performing OT Event. Then a sir told me ...


We are asked from childhood what is our aim in life, what do we want to become. In my school i kept on changing or rather exploring options. Born to an Indian Army soldier and grown up in military cantonment i realised i wanted to join Indian Armd Forces after i lost my father to blood cancer when i was 16. The uniform, environment, support and sense of belongingness towards Army attracted me to continue this relationship with Defence forces life long.  I joined NCC during my graduation so that it paves path for me to join forces. During this three years of training and certification course, i learnt many lessons, won many competitions, discovered my capabilities (never knew i could be a good rifle shooter !), earned many medals and built everlasting beautiful relationships. Finally earned C Certificate and became eligible to go via direct entry to attend SSB interviews to join defence. To cut short, from Dec 2016 to 2020, i gave nine interviews- all unsuccessful. Durin...

Weekend trip to Hampi from Hyderabad

Looking for a solo or group trip over weekend but clueless where to go? Well, if you are staying in Hyderabad or nearby place then Hampi is your answer. Hampi is one of the UNESCO  World Heritage Sites  located in Karnataka, India. This place gives an escape from husstles of city life. Spread over area of about 4000 ha, Hampi is a place for rock climbers, history enthusiast, religious site for Hindus, architect admirors, nature lovers and treasure for photographers. This blog is specifically to guide trip to Hampi from Hyderabad, travel, stay, expected costs, etc. Click this link to know more about Hampi . Favourable time to visit : Winter season as temperature is favourable and enviorment is green. Mode of travel  :  Distance by road is 377 kms which can be covered in about 9 hours. Your options to go by road are : 1. Hire taxi/cab - appx costs INR 3600. 2. Own Vehicle -  appx cost based on your vehicles's milage, prevailing fuel price. 3. Bus -...

काव्य : भाग्य और पुरुषार्थ

कविता में है कुछ पंक्तियाँ, पर बात बड़ी समझने को, एक तट पर मिले दो व्यक्ती, साथ-साथ यात्रा करने को। निकल पड़े यात्रा पर वो, नाव और खैवईया साथ लेकर, जान गए एक-दूजे को वो, अपना-अपना परिचय देकर । पहले जन ने दिया परिचय, कि मैं हूँ भाग्यवादी, भाग्य के भरोसे ही मैं रहता, इसी का हूँ मैं आदी.  तो दूजे ने कहा कि भईया, सुनो मैं हूँ पुरुषार्थी, अपने कर्म से भाग्य बदल दूँ,  इतनी है मुझमें शक्ति। अचानक तेज हवाएं चलीं, लहरें लगी लपकने को, जाने कब प्राण जाएँ छूट, मिले ना राह बचने को, हिलने- डुलने लगी थी नईया, आन पड़ी मझधार, मुश्किल में पड़ गया खैवईया, जाने कौन लगाए पार। उठ खड़ा हुआ पुरुषार्थी, करने को बंधु अपना कर्म, जब तक साँस है आस न छोड़ूँ, बस यही है मेरा धर्म. साँस बचाने के आस में, लग पड़ा वो खैवईया के साथ, और पूछा दूजे व्यक्ती से, क्यों बैठे हो रखे हाँथ पर हाँथ। भाग्य में जो है सो ही होगा, मिला उत्तर भाग्यवादी से, अगर जो मृत्यु लिखी हुई है, कुछ ना होगा कर्म करने से. कर्मवादी और खैवईया परंतु  प्रयास करने में लगे रहे, प्राण गए खैवईया के छूट, मुश्किल में यूँ डरे-डरे। पु...

Thats why mothers call their daughters “My Doll”

This five minutes incident took place at Tirupati railway station. I along with my NCC co-cadets were returning from Inter Directorate Shooting Championship (Pre-Mavlankar tournament) 2015. The train halted at Tirupati Station for about 10 minutes. It was about 11:10 am as far as i remember. Few of our teammates were to get down at that station itself to go their home. It was certainly emotional time to give see off as that was last when we were together and less chance to meet in future. For a very short time, we could made a great bonding without communicating in a common language. A little bit of telugu, english, hindi and hand gestures coupled with facial expression helped us enough to communicate and have fun. After the see off i sat at window seat of train watching at station where a family of 3 members took my attention. They were from a poor family perhaps farmers. A 30 year old man, a 24 year old woman probably his wife, and a 4 year old girl, dressed in ordinary and old cloth...