NCC Learning for Life
NCC was part of my life for 3 years from 2013-16. It gave me good exposure, built leadership trait, sense of belongingness and overall good memories to cherish forever. Penning down few of the teachings learnt from my 3 years of NCC. These point are not for mere sharing to readers but also to remind myself these from time to time. Happy Reading ! 1. After coming back from All India Thal Sainik Camp 2014, I had read these lines somewhere "कामयाबी को दिमाग मे और नाकामयबी को दिल मे कभी जगह मत दो । कामयाबी दिमाग मे जाये तो अहन्कार पैदा करती है और नाकामयाबी दिल मे जाये तो आगे बधने नही देती ।" To translate- "Never let success gets in your mind and failure to your heart. When success gets in mind it results in vanity while failure taken to heart never lets you progress." And I always tried to implement this thought in my life. 2. At starting of TSC camp during Obstacle(OT) course, I used to get fear of few obstacles in performing OT Event. Then a sir told me ...